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This week on the podcast we are excited to be chatting with Christopher Schacht! Christopher is the author of Around the World on 50 Bucks: How I Left with Nothing and Returned a Rich Man his story of leaving home with only $50 and traveling around the world for years working and trading.
From hitching across Europe, sailing across the Atlantic, and exploring Asia Chris was able to create the travel adventure of a lifetime by connecting with people and trusting in his ability to figure things out.

Discussed in this episode:
- A snowball fight in Ecuador
- How he caught the travel bug growing up in a family with no travelers
- Where the idea for a long term trip around the world came from
- How Christopher found the strength to commit to his vision even when family and friends were not on board
- Christopher’s initial plan and how he deciding when to move on and when to stay while traveling
- Why and how Christopher planned to travel for 2 years, with only $50
- Christopher’s plan to ‘hitch-hike’ across the Atlantic Ocean
- How you can find opportunities to work on private sailboats
- How his trip changed his relationship with religion and motivated to go to theology school
- Trusting things will work out
- How do you balance staying flexible with the need to plan while traveling on a tiny budget
- Finding his way to a small indigenous village in Venezuela
- Deciding to write a book and what the process of creating it was like
- Here’s the episode
Connect with Christopher
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