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This week on the podcast we are joined by Pat & Ali Schulte. Pat & Ali have been traveling the world for the last 20 years by boat, bus, motorhome and more, the last decade of which they’ve been traveling with their two kids. In this week’s episode Pat & Ali share their travel story, including what inspired them to set out to travel the world by sailboat. They share where they’ve been, how they’ve traveled, and some of the highlights of their travels. They also share how they support themselves while traveling through their business Wanderer Financial and more. Enjoy!

In this episode:
- Pat and Ali’s personal travel story
- Their decision to navigate around the world via sailboat
- The highlights of their land travels and their first four years of sailing
- How Pat and Ali financially covered their traveling expenses
- Pat’s input and experience with the stock market
- Their favorite moments while in Mexico
- And much more… Listen now!
- Pat and Ali’s Website:
- Wanderer Financial:
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