How Learning a Language Opens Doors with Aubrey Carter from All Ears English

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This week on the podcast we are chatting with Aubrey Carter from All Ears English.

Aubrey is a certified IELTS instructor for All Ears English and is co-host of the IELTS Energy podcast. She received her master’s degree in TESOL from the City College of New York and has been an ESL Instructor for 19 years.
In High School and College Aubrey developed a passion for French and language learning. But when she went on an exchange to live in Belgium she realized the classroom French wasn’t helping her with speaking and connecting with real people.

She realized that the pathway to learning a language was through real-life experience and building connections with people. That insight has driven her as she built a career in languages.

In the episode we are talking about Aubrey’s journey with travel and language learning, why learning a language adds so much to travel, and tips and recommendations for people just starting out with a new language.

We were featured on All Ears English in October, check it out here:

In this episode:

  • How Aubrey started travelling through her passion for learning French
  • How travel and living somewhere makes learning a language possible in a way that classes and textbooks don’t
  • How Aubrey ended up teaching French as a high school teacher
  • After struggling to learn French, what did Aubrey do to make things start to click
  • Why developing connections matter when learning a language
  • Why investing in learning a language pays off with a deeper and better travel experience
  • Aubrey’s tips for people just starting to learn a language:
    • Don’t start learning things by their grammatical category, start by finding a situation and then focus on what you need to know to deal with that context/situation. For example work on the verbs, you’d need to know going through the airport.
  • Focusing on pronunciation while learning
  • How Aubrey came to work with English as a second language speaker
  • Aubrey’s recommendations for resources to use when learning a new language
    • News in Slow Spanish:
    • Duolingo Podcast:
    • All Ears English:
    • IELTS Energy:
  • Listen now

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