Why Detailed Planning Makes for a Great Trip with Bob DiMenna

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This week on the podcast we are joined by Bob DiMenna from the Travellers Blueprint podcast. We talk about the differences in our travel styles (more spontaneous vs. more planned) and dive deep into Bob’s process for planning a trip. 

We talk about everything from how to choose a destination, tools for finding flights and what to do, and then how you actually make a day to day itinerary for yourself. 

In the past, we have focused more on being spontaneous with day to day travel plans, so it was fun to talk with Bob about why he loves planning trips down to the smallest detail and the pros and cons of different approaches. 


In this episode:

  • What has life been like for Bob as a travel creator who during the pandemic
  • How do you think about future travel plans when there is so much uncertainty
  • How Bob fell in love with traveling while working as an environmental scientist 
  • Why there is no one right way to travel
  • Planning a trip in detail vs. Keeping it spontaneous 
  • Breaking down how Bob plans out his trips and creates itineraries
  • Tools mentioned: 
  • The difference between detailed planning of your own trip vs. being stuck on a big group tour
  • How the planning process makes the trip itself deeper
  • Check out the Travellers Blueprint Podcast: https://thetravelersblueprint.com/

If you would to get access to the past and future episodes of our nomad series as a World Wanderers Insider, head on over to Patreon.com/theworldwanderers. Thank you so much for your continued support!





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